Saturday, July 27, 2013

When the Fat Drowns You

Dear Readers,

If you are like me, you have been at a place in your life where you didn't have the money for healthy foods (eating ramen noodels and such) and you no longer had a gym membership and working out outside in the blistering summer heat was not amusing.

After a period of time, you begin to slowly gain inches. Maybe you aren't gaining much weight, but your clothes fit tighter and you feel grossed out each time you look in the mirror. Everything around you begins screaming YOU'RE FAT AND UGLY. The girls on tv, the skinny girls on facebook posting half naked pictures in their bathing suits, and even though you say "Look at them, they look ridiculous posing like that," you are secretly wishing you had their bodies, even if you don't plan on showing them off quite as much as the girls in the picture.

During that time, you go through several phases.

Denial- I'm still in good shape (even though you know you aren't)
Realization- A sad sad part where you just are overwhelmed with weight
Giving up- When you feel like the fat is just drowning you and you don't want to think about trying.
**This should be the storm before the rainbow**
Acceptance and New Eyes- When you accept that you have gained inches and weight and you know its time to do something (at this point you do something about it!)

The first three steps, some of us repeat and  repeat before we get to the last step. Overcoming the feeling of being fat can be incredibly tough! Even when you get the step of Acceptance and New Eyes, you still feel fat for a while.

I went through these stages while I've been moving from South Carolina to Georgia. Life has been hard without having a job (although I have one now, just haven't started getting paid yet), money, or a gym membership. I've let myself stop blogging, stop working out, and stop eating right. Although the last part, I can't really control until I have money.

Yesterday, I looked in the mirror feeling ugly and hating my image, and yesterday I went through the step of Acceptance and New Eyes. I've been successful in completing two days of Couch to 5k training with my iphone. While my battle is not over, I know that I am trying, and that makes me feel better instantly. In about 3 weeks I will begin to see my old self waking up. I will look in the mirror and be able to say, "Hello Beautiful, it's been a while."

While you are on your journey, if you ever feel ugly or fat, just remember, you are beautiful from the inside out! And soon others will see your outward beauty!

Happy Healthy Living,


Stay tuned to the blog for a post on why we have to keep reliving our weight loss journeys.

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