Thursday, November 8, 2012

Positively Positive Daily Dosage 4

Breakfast: Fiber One
Snack: two boiled eggs and carrots
Lunch: Grilled chicken and rice
Dinner: Tomato soup

My friend Mary and I were talking in the car today. I told her something DaveyWavey said in a video I watched last night, "You can't fix a problem with the same mind that created it." I have tried all of the things out there. I've tried counting calories, challenges, cleanses, and meal replacements. I've tried working out, and mixing a good diet. But wait, what am I looking for here? Am I looking for immediate results that will only last a short time? NO. I am done with those. I am looking for long lasting results, even though they may take some time to get.

So here is my proposition. Instead of being negative, think positive. I am beautiful, just the way that I am. I am working on becoming a healthier me, and in that I will see results! I don't want to just be skinny! I don't want to be anorexic either! I want to be healthy! There is nothing wrong with that.

So in hopes to change my mindset. This is not dieting. This is living healthy. When I drink those nutrition shakes, it is not to lose weight, it is to see a healthier me. When I die in the gym, it's not to lose weight; it's to feel proud that I have accomplished a certain goal, and to feel the amazing reward of sweat and endorphins. It's about living healthy, and being  happy!

And just so you know, I'm feeling much better, so tomorrow night I'll tell you how my first workout back in the gym is!!!

<3 Becca

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