Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Third Daily Dosage

Breakfast: Fiber One
Snack: Two boiled eggs and blueberries
Lunch: Grilled Chicken and carrots
Snack: Apple
Dinner: Grilled Chicken.

100 ounces of water!

And feeling good! You know actually, I've been kind of having pitty parties over here. I went to the doctor this past Friday, and I had a sinus infection and she believed mono was trying to become active again, she checked my spleen, when it's swells its a sign of mono. Anyways, I went to the doctor yesterday and I have a side affect from the medicine I am on, and not to mention somehow I got ringworm.. In five different places. I've been itchy and unable to scratch, and also grossed out, and I guess I'm one of those, eat when your sad kinds of people, because the first thing that popped into my mind was to stop somewhere and get something to eat because "I deserved it." Okay just to take a little rant on that statement right there. You deserve something you want because you're the idiot who got sick and had to take the pills to get better and got the stupid side affect? You deserve something because you're an idiot and held a cat and got five spots of ringworm. NO YOU DO NOT DESERVE SOMETHING. And besides, if you go and eat a milk shake from Chick fil a right now, think about it, you WON'T be rewarding yourself, you will actually be harming yourself more! So shut up and keep driving! Haha, and that's what I did. I shut up, and kept driving.

Number two, I have a really awesome boyfriend, and he helped me get through the day yesterday, as he does many days! As I was sulking and complaining, and being the type of person I can't stand the most, a complainer, he reminded me, my life isn't so bad. He described a man to me, that is in much worse conditions than I am, incurable conditions. I'm not going to describe this man to you, but I will ask you, how's the family? Do you have people in your life that love you? Every 16 seconds another child becomes an orphan; in Asia alone there are currently 87 million orphans, to understand this a little better, that number almost makes up one third of the entire United States population.

If you are reading this blog, and you feel like your life is terrible and can't get any better, or maybe next time you do feel this way, remember, it can always be worse! Always remember to be thankful for what you have.

<3 Becca

PS. There are thousands of families who want to adopt, but they don't have the funds to, if you want to help provide a lonely child with a loving home, all you have to do is buy a shirt. Here's a link to show you how!

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