Saturday, November 17, 2012

Best Friend Adventures

Hey guys, sorry it has been a while since I posted last. This past week has been HECTIC. Between classes, and practically every assignment being due, and coming to see my boyfriend...It has been a BUSY week.
Many people believe stress is our biggest health concern. Stress is linked to many issues such as heart problems to dementia (read more about stress in the link below).
I want to encourage you take some time to relax. I am. I am spending some time in Georgia this week. It is such a beautiful place! I'll try to post some pictures for you later.

Until then,

Have a safe and relaxing Thanksgiving break


Wes and I

Saturday, November 10, 2012

OH MY GOSH Daily Dosage what number are we on? (6)

Breakfast: Chex Gluten Free Cereal
Snack: 2 scrambled eggs
Lunch: AWESOMENESS: Baked Chicken; Carrot Fries; Dipping Sauce (go easy on the dipping sauce)
Snack: Broccoli
Dinner: Tomato soup

Water: 80 ounces

As you can probably tell by my above posts, today has been AWESOME!!! I am writing this on a burst of energy thanks to coffee!

Today I made two awesome creations!  Carrot Fries and Dipping Sauce for chicken. Here are the recipes for both:

Carrot Fries:
Slice up some carrots
Spritz some olive oil on it
Sprinkle just a dash of salt on and or chipolte and cilantro

Bake at 450 for just 5-6 minutes. :)

These were SUPER TASTY and good for you!! (just go easy on the salt)

Dipping Sauce:

1/2 cup mayo
2 tbsp. mustard (regular prepared yellow mustard)
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
1 tbsp. vinegar
2 tbsp. honey
Salt and pepper, to taste

I hope you enjoy these recipes!!
Do you have any awesome recipes?? I'd love to try them!!! Feel free to comment or e-mail with your awesome recipes!!!

<3 Becca

Friday, November 9, 2012

Be Thankful Daily Dosage Five

Breakfast: Gluten free Chex cereal
Snack: Turkey Sandwich (IT WAS SO GOOD! Turkey, chipolte cheese, jalepenoes, and pickles mmm.)
Lunch: Mango Protein Smoothie (Oh my GOSH!!!! This was DANK. If you are ever at NMB Aquatic fitness center, get the mango smoothie with the meal replacement supplement. It's four dollars and I was full till dinner!)
Dinner: Chicken Bog and Green Beans.

Water: 80 ounces (kinda slacking on the water today)

I am happy to announce, today was my first day back in the gym in about three weeks. I am also happy to announce, it wasn't like starting over either. I ran 1.5 miles, and spent (well I lost track of time but it was at least an hour) with my little sister doing weights!! It felt great to be back!

I want to encourage you today, as we enter this time of Thanksgiving, look around you. Count your blessings. Sometimes we take people for granted. My grandpa fell out of a tree two days ago. He refused to go to the doctor until today. He now has to have back surgery. Back surgery is a scary thing for anyone, but especially for people who are older. It makes me think about the last time I saw my papa. We aren't very close. We never were really, but I wish I could change that. I wish that the last time I saw him, I would have given him twice as many hugs.

You never know what will happen in the game of life. I encourage you to tell the people you love and care most about just how you feel about them. It would be sad if you never got that chance again.

Thanks for reading,

<3 Becca

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Positively Positive Daily Dosage 4

Breakfast: Fiber One
Snack: two boiled eggs and carrots
Lunch: Grilled chicken and rice
Dinner: Tomato soup

My friend Mary and I were talking in the car today. I told her something DaveyWavey said in a video I watched last night, "You can't fix a problem with the same mind that created it." I have tried all of the things out there. I've tried counting calories, challenges, cleanses, and meal replacements. I've tried working out, and mixing a good diet. But wait, what am I looking for here? Am I looking for immediate results that will only last a short time? NO. I am done with those. I am looking for long lasting results, even though they may take some time to get.

So here is my proposition. Instead of being negative, think positive. I am beautiful, just the way that I am. I am working on becoming a healthier me, and in that I will see results! I don't want to just be skinny! I don't want to be anorexic either! I want to be healthy! There is nothing wrong with that.

So in hopes to change my mindset. This is not dieting. This is living healthy. When I drink those nutrition shakes, it is not to lose weight, it is to see a healthier me. When I die in the gym, it's not to lose weight; it's to feel proud that I have accomplished a certain goal, and to feel the amazing reward of sweat and endorphins. It's about living healthy, and being  happy!

And just so you know, I'm feeling much better, so tomorrow night I'll tell you how my first workout back in the gym is!!!

<3 Becca

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Third Daily Dosage

Breakfast: Fiber One
Snack: Two boiled eggs and blueberries
Lunch: Grilled Chicken and carrots
Snack: Apple
Dinner: Grilled Chicken.

100 ounces of water!

And feeling good! You know actually, I've been kind of having pitty parties over here. I went to the doctor this past Friday, and I had a sinus infection and she believed mono was trying to become active again, she checked my spleen, when it's swells its a sign of mono. Anyways, I went to the doctor yesterday and I have a side affect from the medicine I am on, and not to mention somehow I got ringworm.. In five different places. I've been itchy and unable to scratch, and also grossed out, and I guess I'm one of those, eat when your sad kinds of people, because the first thing that popped into my mind was to stop somewhere and get something to eat because "I deserved it." Okay just to take a little rant on that statement right there. You deserve something you want because you're the idiot who got sick and had to take the pills to get better and got the stupid side affect? You deserve something because you're an idiot and held a cat and got five spots of ringworm. NO YOU DO NOT DESERVE SOMETHING. And besides, if you go and eat a milk shake from Chick fil a right now, think about it, you WON'T be rewarding yourself, you will actually be harming yourself more! So shut up and keep driving! Haha, and that's what I did. I shut up, and kept driving.

Number two, I have a really awesome boyfriend, and he helped me get through the day yesterday, as he does many days! As I was sulking and complaining, and being the type of person I can't stand the most, a complainer, he reminded me, my life isn't so bad. He described a man to me, that is in much worse conditions than I am, incurable conditions. I'm not going to describe this man to you, but I will ask you, how's the family? Do you have people in your life that love you? Every 16 seconds another child becomes an orphan; in Asia alone there are currently 87 million orphans, to understand this a little better, that number almost makes up one third of the entire United States population.

If you are reading this blog, and you feel like your life is terrible and can't get any better, or maybe next time you do feel this way, remember, it can always be worse! Always remember to be thankful for what you have.

<3 Becca

PS. There are thousands of families who want to adopt, but they don't have the funds to, if you want to help provide a lonely child with a loving home, all you have to do is buy a shirt. Here's a link to show you how!

Second Daily Dosage

Breakfast- Fiber One Cereal
Snack- two eggs (boiled) blueberries
Lunch- homemade all veggie chilli
Snack-small portion of chilli (extra yummy since its freezing outside)
Dinner- two bowls of collard greens
100 ounce of water!

Monday, November 5, 2012

First Daily Dosage

Alright guys, so here is what happened today.
Breakfast- grits
Snack- 1 egg and yogurt with frozen blueberries and raspberries
Lunch- salad, grilled chicken
Snack- 1 boiled egg and a carrot and blueberries
Dinner- grilled chicken (wanted some greens, but didn't get to go shopping today.)
Depending on how late I'm up tonight, I might eat an apple. :)

100 ounces of water today.

So I definitely need to go grocery shopping and get some more greens and veggies!!! Mom picked up some fiber cereal for me for tomorrow woohoo!
Since I am not supposed to workout right now, I just parked farther away from my building so I would walk further.

Okay, that's all for today! See you tomorrow :D

<3 Becca


Hi all of you out there. I want to introduce myself first. My name is Rebecca, and I am a senior in college. i have tried so many things to lose weight and get in shape. My journey started about three years ago. I started out at 200 pounds. I joined this awesome company called Advocare (TRUST ME THEY ARE AWESOME). With them, I lost down to 167. It was awesome! I was so happy and I still am. I can still be thankful I am not 200 pounds.I stopped my weight loss program once I lost the weight, and I gained back to 175. Now this isn't terrible if you think about it, but it's not where I want to be. According to my height, a good healthy weight for me is about 145. I've tried millions of things. Counting calories. Working out. And my latest endeavor was Visalus. I also LOVE Visalus. My cousin is a personal trainer and got me on it! But she also cut everything else out of my diet. For over two months I lived off of, nutrition shakes, grilled chicken, eggs/tuna (could be swapped out), broccolli, salad and beef jerky. Unfortunately, I am not one of those people who can enjoy the same thing every day of my life. I love variety, and let's face it, I love food. My Visalus challenge was supposed to last 90 days. But, I started teaching, and living with a friend for three weeks. I started eating pb&j. I stuck to my chicken at night, but the day was filled with carbs that I haven't had in over two months. I've decided, while my cousin is AWESOME and I am so thankful for her help, cutting out EVERYTHING is not for me. It makes me want to cheat and give up. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy healthy foods. This is my first week back from teaching, and I'm mad at myself. I love the healthy foods because they make me proud of myself, and they make me feel good. You should also know, I am ON A TIGHT BUDGET. So I can't always afford the fresh food. (I should also add, the month before I started teaching, I was in the gym 6 days a week.)

Alright, all of that to say this. I am ready for a change. A lasting change. A change in my life, not just a diet. I am blogging it, so that you can keep me accountable. This week, I am kicking off my new challenge with a detox. Don't get freaked out. For me this means, all clean foods for one week. Yes I know that's what my cousin did to me for two months, but I need to take this one day and week at a time. Lots of water. Shooting for about 100 ounces a day! I would begin my workout routine again, but I once had mono, and after a trip to the doctor, she is worried mono is active again. Because my spleen is  swollen, it is dangerous to workout. If your spleen ruptures, well there is no point of getting in least I would look good in the coffin. haha okay sick joke. If I feel 100% by Friday, I'll go hardcore in the gym.

Alright. I'm going to post the foods I am eating, and drinks I consume each day on here. If you have any tips, feel free to comment or e-mail me! If you too are wanting to lose weight, feel free to comment or e-mail me! Lets do this together! Time to make a change.

See yall tonight with my "Daily Dosage."

<3 Becca