The Journey

 "The earliest years of our lives set us on paths leading toward or away from good health" (Commission on Health). 

^^talk about a youngin^^

As a very young child I was active enough to be fairly thin. My parents were divorced when I was around 6 years old. The weight gain began. Between third and sixth grade, I was no longer the thin little girl. In fact, I was quite the opposite. There are several reasons for this. First, I believe I ate when I was sad. When you are a young child, you're family is your world. You don't understand what China is. You don't know that there is anyone out there except your friends, family and school. Family being the most important, when it comes crumbling down, everything does. Second, I also wasn't able to play outside much anymore. My mom, God love her, is paranoid. If she couldn't be outside with us, we couldn't go outside. Last, because we were in a single parent home, even with child support, we still ate rice and beans. Rice is filling, but it isn't healthy in large proportions.

Middle and High school, I was very overweight. I got my first boyfriend in high school, senior year, and it wasn't a very good relationship. We dated for a year, and it was enough for me to gain about 25 pounds. I reached 199 by the end of high school.

^^ 199 lbs right there^^

I began college, and during my second semester I was in a P.E. class. I realized how I wished I had someone to tell me how to be active, and how to eat right. I decided I wanted to show my future students and children how to do things right. I joined a company called advocare and did a 30 day challenge. The first thirty days kicked off weight loss, and between the next month, I lost down from 199 to 167. AWESOME.


Over the next year, I gained back to 175. NO I was NOT going back. I began running. I lost about 4 pounds simply running, but that wasn't good enough. I started Visalus and got down to 160. The diet plan I was on was too strenuous and after just a few weeks off the diet I gained about 4 pounds. Now I'm working again to not only lose weight, but mainly just to be healthy.


You know my good friend Mary told me, "Becca the first time I saw you I thought you were cute. You aren't a bad size. You don't look the size you are." The doctor always told me I carried my weight well. Okay so, we also decided it's time to love myself. I'll dedicate a blog post to that specific topic.

I owe you a pic of me NOW.

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