Monday, December 24, 2012

My Results from the Three Day Military Diet

Hey guys,
Before I tell you my results, I want to make sure you understand a few  things. This diet is based on the foods which them make chemicals in your body. It is all about the right balance. So if you add anything to the diet, you mess up the chemically proven diet.
Also, this diet was made for the military. These guys work their butts off every day. So if you aren't working your butt off in the gym, it's not going to work as well.

Unfortunately, I have to tell my readers, that I added a few things, as you noticed yesterday, and I wasn't working  my butt off each day. Cleaning and Christmas shopping, as much as we would love to count them, aren't the best forms of working out.

Therefore, I have very minimum results.
Check back in a week and a half when I do this diet again, after Christmas, with my boyfriend. He will be here pushing me to stay strong and we will be working out together.

If you have an awesome story from this diet, please share it in the comments or e-mail me. I'd love to hear from you.

Here are the results:

Lost- 3 pounds

But I must say, 3 is better than 0. ;)
Keep it up! Stay strong!! Lose more than me ;) I'll be back at it soon to lose more than you ;)

Good Luck :D


  1. you are right, 3 is better than 0! Plus, I'm sure you had some weight gain due to lady issues...Please keep posting, I only just found this diet this morning so am very curious to see/hear about it!

  2. I am starting tomorrow and I am also blogging my journey. Hoping for some results. Like you said any loss is a positive loss. Hope the best for your second round.
